There were three things that made the game especially magical to me.

Was the world beautiful? The cities were dull and Frontier was uninteresting. In American history in general? No, and I don't care about their war for independence. Am I interested in American natives? Not at all. I'm merely putting it away from AC II because I want to look a bit closer at it. No, you don't read wrong, the repeated 3rd place is intentional. It had the best music in the game, and I'd really like to see the place with my own eyes, so being able to see it at least in the game was a great experience.ģ, AC III.

The legendary ships/battles were a blast for me.ģ, AC II. I loved Edward's character progression and Rogue allowing me to try playing as a Templar. Beautiful worlds, both of them, be it Carribean or cold coast of Canada. Add in some Byzantines and it was the perfect game for me.Ģ, AC Black Flag/AC Rogue. Elderly Ezio in Ottoman clothes looked the most badass out of his three games, too. All that nice architecture, people in colourful clothing and innovations like the hookblade. You see, I enjoy oriental stuff, so being able to explore Ottoman Constantinople listening to this was pure joy for me.